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Due to Chinese regulatory pressure Yunbi ceased trading on August 18th 2017 History: YUNBI, formerly Peatio Exchange, is a cryptocurrency exchange co­funded by BitFundPE. YUNBI started in July 2013, and after a 9­-month trial run, they announced its formal launch at April 1, 2014. Built with the code released by Peatio Open Source Project, YUNBI adheres to the principle of integrity, transparency and being open­-sourced, offering customers a highly­-safe and easily­-operating platform to trade digital currencies. All the team members of YUNBI exchange are core developers in Peatio project. Coming from Ruby China, they are energetic activists, passionate on programming and experts in creating software. YUNBI uses Markle Tree to prove reserves. Every customer can validate assets anytime they want. Besides, they publish YUNBI’s reserves everyday on twitter / facebook / weibo, and they’ve been doing this since the first day they started running. YUNBI promises that they would hold on tight to the original intentions of Peatio project, and they would never abuse their customers’ assets..

Order book


BTC: 0.05% Trading Fee Others: 0.1% Trading Fee



Full address

Beijing Peatio Technology Co., Ltd Room 3A01, Building C, Changyuantiandi Mansion, No.18 Suzhoujie, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China Service Hotline - 4008-351-183 Customer Service - 4008351183 (Tencent QQ) Email - [email protected]? Business cooperation - +8610 53596392.

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