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LakeBTC project was started in early 2013 as a virtual Bitcoin exchange initially for traders and other financial professionals. Later that year, the exchange was incorporated and operated under the current domain name. LakeBTC is currently owned by Lake Investments Limited (BVI), with Shanghai Trading IT, Inc. providing technical and customer support. With years of experience trading treasuries, agency bonds, currencies, commodities, interest rates, volatilities and all types of derivatives and structured products, LakeBTC is dedicated to building a bitcoin platform for pricing, liquidity, security, derivatives and indexes. On LakeBTC, individuals, merchants and institutions can easily trade bitcoins, lock down the prices, manage their exposures, and hedge their risks. LakeBTC also provides bitcoin wallet service to all accounts. Users may choose to withdraw bitcoins to their own wallets or simply leave them in LakeBTC. To protect the funds, they have implemented a number of rigorous mechanisms including SSL encryption, cold storage, 2-step verification, SMS withdrawal confirmation, and trade notifications. Additionally, LakeBTC's Merchant Tools can help businesses and individuals around the world accept payments virtually for free. Unlike credit cards or other traditional payment methods, merchants no longer need to worry about charge backs or hefty fees or delays. It's quite easy to use and integrate..

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Suite 606, 231-1 Ludi Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu, Postal Code: 215332

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