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QuadrigaCX is the most convenient method to trade BTC and ETH to CAD. They are the biggest exchange in Canada and their office is located in Vancouver, BC. Their goal is to provide an easy to use platform to simplify the process of buying and selling Bitcoin or Ether. They pride themselves as having security as their number one priority. QuadrigaCX has some of the most advances security measures in the Bitcoin industry, including the use of Cold Storage for the majority of the Bitcoins within their system. The user accounts are secured with encryption that exceeds industry standards, and their servers employ the use of custom operating systems and software. When it comes to their trading platform, both the website and API are protected from attacks through their partnership with CloudFlare, one of the internet's leading online security firms. When it comes to liquidity they don't seem to have the highest volumes in terms of BTC or ETH but they seem to be the only ones focusing on the Canadian market. They claim to be 100% Canadian with their offices registered and located in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They also mention that their clients are always welcome to visit and if you are interested you can schedule an appointment by contacting one of their customer support representatives..

Order book


0.2-0.5% Trading Fee



Full address

223-2055 Commercial Drive Vancouver British Columbia V5N 0C7 Phone: 1-647-491-2708 Email: [email protected]

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