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Crypto Fear and Greed Index

Every day emotions and sentiments analysis of cryptocurrency

Fear and greed index of bitcoin

Our "Fear and Greed Index" is a unique tool that provides an in-depth analysis of the emotions and sentiments of Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. By tracking the index over time, users can gain a better understanding of the market sentiment and identify potential buying and selling opportunities. The index ranges from 0 to 100, with a value of 0 indicating "Extreme Fear" and a value of 100 representing "Extreme Greed". This allows users to quickly understand the current market sentiment and make data-driven decisions about their cryptocurrency investments. This index is a powerful tool that is regularly updated to provide the most current information and give users a real-time view of the market sentiment, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the world of cryptocurrency.

Fear and Greed Index

Last updated: Apr, 24 2024

Historical Values

Last month
Extreme Greed

Next Update

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Crypto Fear and Greed Index Over Time

Why Measure Fear and Greed?


The crypto market behaviour is very emotional. People tend to get greedy when the market is rising which results in FOMO (Fear of missing out). Also, people often sell their coins in irrational reaction of seeing red numbers. With our Fear and Greed Index, we try to save you from your own emotional overreations. There are two simple assumptions:

  • Extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That could be a buying opportunity.
  • When Investors are getting too greedy, that means the market is due for a correction.

Therefore, we analyze the current sentiment of the Bitcoin market and crunch the numbers into a simple meter from 0 to 100. Zero means "Extreme Fear", while 100 means "Extreme Greed". See below for further information on our data sources.

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