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Mining Pool: HashAnywhere Monero

HashAnywhere Monero

HashAnywhere Monero

Mining Pool: 1%

HashAnywhere Monero is located in the U.S.A,America and you can use it to mine XMR . It support the PPLNS payment type(s), and the average fee which is charge by this pool is very low, it is only 1% and the fee expanded is 1% . It provides the Vardiff,Stratum,Monitoring features. It does not support the merged mining and the transaction fee does not share with the miner. Mining pool minimum payout is 0.3 XMR. You can follow this pool on Twitter as well as you can explore the more details and setup guide from their website.

Merged Mining
Tx. Fee Shared With Miner

Supported Coins XMR

Pool Features Vardiff Stratum Monitoring

Server Locations U.S.A America

Payments Types PPLNS

Mining pool minimum payout 0.3 XMR

Fee Expanded 1%

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