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As part of the #Thore projects long term visions, an exchange platform was created. THE is aiming for 1 million trades per day by the end of the 2nd year. The cash flow will be similar to the stock exchange business. The team believes that anybody can make Good profits in the crypto Tokens and digital asset market so it developed the #THE exchange. It’s expected that THORE Exchange will bring large-scale crypto trading to a new level. BEST FEATURES:  Data Security- SSL protocol used to encrypt user data.- 2-factor authentication + email authorization. Deep Books & Low Fees- High liquidity.- Trade large amounts at or close to market with limited slippage. Due Diligence on Coins & Tokens- Extensive development plan required for listing.- Emphasis on quality over quantity of coins.- Minimum liquidity requirement. Make money on Thore investments- THE introduces interest on all #TCH #THE holdings! Scheduled release date: 1 Nov 2018.- All you have to do is hold #TCH #THE in your ThoreExchange account.. For doing so, you will receive interest on your balance. Advanced Functionality- Take profit and stop loss.- Expiration dates for orders.- Interest on deposits.- Synthetic coins. Digital Assets Trading- Trade with crypto.- Profit in crypto.- You can now use Thore Network crypto Tokens to trade Equity markets like Apple, Netflix and Oil. Crypto Trading- Buy or sell cryptocurrencies.- Take full control of your Assets and collectibles by storing them on your own device #BYOB. STO Trading- EU regulated Market Maker- 24/7 liquidity- Clearing of every trade guaranteed CFD trading- In-demand contract-for-difference (CFD) trading with up to a massive 100x leverage.- Tailor your experience to suit your trading style.- Choose Cross Margin to back your trades with your entire wallet balance, or go for Isolated Margin to limit your liability to your initial margin, protecting the rest of your balance. Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Medium | Reddit.

Order book


Trading fees will equate to 0.1% of the value of the trade made either as a maker or taker. The nominal fee of 0.1% may be further discounted from a range of 10% to 99% based on how many THEX tokens are held. The amount of THEX tokens kept on the exchange determines a discount on fees for all trades made by a user.



Full address

Dammstrasse 16, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland CRYPTO VALLEY LABS - #THE BLOCK

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