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Huobi US

Huobi US

The HBUS digital currency marketplace domain name, previously has been changed to but will continue to operate under HBUS Holdco Inc., the exclusive San Francisco based US partner of Huobi Global Limited (“Huobi Global”). HBUS obtained the rights and licenses to use the Huobi name, trademark, and website. The services are provided by HBUS, not Huobi. Important Notice – HBUS Cease to Operate: "Dear Customer, We regret to inform you that HBUS will need to cease operations so that it can return in a more integrated and impactful fashion as part of its ongoing strategic layout. Our trading services will not be available starting December 15, 2019, 20:30 PT/23:30 ET. Customers will continue to be able to access their accounts to withdraw funds until January 31, 2020, 20:00 PT/23:00 ET.Please refer to our FAQ and contact [email protected] for additional support. HBUS team"  .

Order book


Trading fees: 0.1% - 0.2% / 0.1% - 0.2% Deposit / withdrawal fees: 0.08% - 0.2% Please, visit for the full fee schedule.



Full address

548 Market St, #17647 San Francisco, CA 94104

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