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Website announcement: "14th January 2019, the Cryptopia Exchange suffered a security breach which resulted in significant losses. Once identified, the exchange was put into maintenance while we assessed damages. Cryptopia has notified and is cooperating with the appropriate government agencies, including the NZ Police and High Tech Crimes Unit. Please see their media release below." Cryptopia's focus is on a better user experience for crypto-currencies. In order to make cryptocurrencies more accessible to everyone we provide mining pools, marketplace, exchange services and a support framework for each coin listed. They are trying to cover multiple angles and have diversified their offering with the following sub categories: Marketplace The Cryptopia marketplace lets you sell anything, to anyone, anywhere in the world in exchange for cryptocurrency. Buy/Sell items free of charge or setup an Auction or classified listing and start using your crypto today. Mineshaft The Cryptopia Mineshaft is a streamlined and easy to use mining platform for cryptocurrencies. Supports all miners from single CPU or GPU users to full blown ASIC masters. Exchange The Cryptopia exchange is a quick easy way to convert your crypto. Whether it be for paying bills, buying something from the Cryptopia marketplace or you simply love to collect virtual coins. Block Explorers Cryptopia's BlockExplorers allow you to view detailed information on all transactions and blocks. Track your crytpo payment every step of the journey for your peace of mind..

Order book
New Zealand


The trading fee is 0.20% of the total BTC or crypto currency traded.



Full address

CRYPTOPIA LIMITED (5392901) 6 Dennitt Street, New Brighton, Christchurch, 8083 Phone: +64 21 669851 Email: [email protected]

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