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CODEX was developed in 2018 and publicly launched in January 2019. AtticLab is the parent company, one of the TOP EOS Block Producers. CODEX acquired all necessary official licenses from EU regulators for providing exchange from fiat to crypto and wallet storage services: FVR000169 and FRK000141. CODEX successfully integrated the fiat gateway provision for several currencies (currently UAH and EUR). Besides, in regards to our users’ data protection, CODEX managed to be PCI DSS compliant according to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. CODEX does not store any sensitive data provided by users. CODEX has successfully passed a penetration testingaudit by HACKEN cybersecurity firm and received 10/10 web platform security grade. Along with EdDSA API CODEX aims to be as secure as possible by not storing users’ API secrets. CODEX can be considered as a hybrid-exchange, which is armed with passwordless authentication features (same as Decentralized Exchanges offer) to increase security for users. CODEX allows users to log in directly via Scatter using a global account or via SimpleWallet protocol using a QR-code in application to prevent any keylogging attacks. Reddit.

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FEES: Deposit on CODEX is 0%. For a detailed fee structure, please, refer to this page: DEPOSIT: Users can deposit the most popular cryptocurrencies as well as fiat currencies (currently UAH and EUR). For the full list of listed cryptocurrencies, please, refer to this page: WITHDRAWAL: Users can withdraw the most popular cryptocurrencies as well as fiat currencies (currently UAH and EUR). Withdrawals are a subject of minimum withdrawal amounts. For the full list of listed cryptocurrencies and minimum withdrawal amounts, please, refer to this page:



Full address

CRYPTAGIO OÜ, ESTONIA, TALLINN, PUNANE TN 6-219, 13619, +442035143400

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